Robin Erickson, PhD, LMHC, CAP Professional Counseling for Individuals and Couples 561-312-5288


Support Groups ﷯Addiction and Recovery Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families Al Anon Alcoholics Anonymous Codependents Anonymous Eating Disorders Anonymous Internet & Tech Addiction Anonymous Gamblers Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous National Institute on Drug Abuse SAMHSA's Substance Abuse/Addiction SAMHSA's Treatment and Recovery Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous Web of Addictions Workaholics Anonymous Do You Have a Problem? The following information is provided for your personal education, and is not meant to offer a diagnostic opinion. ALCOHOL OR DRUGS Answer the following yes or no questions. If you answer “yes” to four or more questions, you may have a serious substance problem. The word substance is used to indicate alcohol or drugs. 1. Have you decided to stop using drugs or alcohol for a week or so, but only lasted for a couple of days? 2. Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drug or alcohol use, and stop telling you what to do? 3. Has your substance use consistently increased? 4. Do you spend a great deal of time in activities necessary to get the substance, use the substance, and/or recover from the effects of the substance? 5. Have you given up or reduced important social, occupational or recreational activities because of substance use? 6. Have you had problems connected with substance use during the past year? 7. Has your substance use caused problems at home? 8. Have you continued using substances despite the knowledge that the substance is interfering with your daily activities? 9. Do you tell yourself that you can stop using substances any time you want to, even though you keep getting high when you don’t mean to? 10. Have you missed days at work or school do to substance use? 11. Have you ever felt that your life might be better if you were not using substances? WHO IS A “PROBLEM” USER? 1. Anyone who goes to work under the influence of substances, or who must use substances in order to get to and perform his/her work is a problem user. 2. Anyone who sustains bodily injury requiring medical attention as a consequence of an intoxicated state is a problem user. 3. Anyone who comes in conflict with the law as a consequence of intoxication is a problem user. 4. Anyone who under the influence of substances does something he/she contends he/she would never do without substances is a problem user. 5. Anyone who has become dependent upon substances as a way of life, and is uncomfortable in situations where no substances are available is a problem user. 6. Anyone who needs to increase the amount of drugs taken in order to get the desired effect is a problem user. 7. Anyone whose work performance or attendance is impaired by his/her use of drugs is a problem user. 8. Anyone whose family life has been disrupted by continued use of substances is a problem user. 9. Anyone who hides or “sneaks” substances is a problem user. INDICATIONS OF POTENTIAL MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS Changes in sleep and eating patterns Rapid mood swings Changes in, or lack of personal hygiene· Isolation from family and friends Discussion of suicide or consistently morbid topics Hyper-activity and/or verbalization Lethargy and/or staying in bed Rapid weight loss or gain Inability to articulate thoughts and emotions Acting out with aggression or violence Confusion and inability to make decisions Constant physical complaints, and unexplained symptoms Inability to enjoy previously pleasurable activities Loss of sexual feelings or sexual ambiguity Giving personal possessions away Sudden bursts of emotion such as crying or laughing inexplicably Slashing or self-mutilating Inability to concentrate or stay on topic If you are concerned that you or someone you love may have a psychiatric and/or substance abuse problem, call Robin Erickson, PH.D., LMHC, MFT, CAP (561) 312-5288
Help is Available, Call for Appointment today - 561-312-5288